Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Aura Color#1: Blue

What it represents:
Sprituality, loyal, creative, sensitive, kind, moody, gentleness, depression, sluggish, relaxed.

Today my aura happens to be blue, and unfortunately, not because I'm relaxed.
I'm moody and depressed. Lately, I have been dealing with bouts of depression *again* and it's really been bringing me down. Not only that, but I have low self-esteem and yes, I truely loathe myself.
But after I got home from school, I've been thinking: I REALLY need to find my place with God and calm the hell down. Also, I need to discover myself. I know it's cliche and all teen-angsty, but I've ALWAYS been trying to be someone else.
I've always had this desire to be normal, to be perfect like so many other ladies I know. For example, a friend of mine, I'll just use Ella, who is everything I STRIVE to be:
-Talented to no end to the point it's scary.

I'm not. I'm all.......yeah. Not any where near what my friend Ella is. But any how, I've finally came to realize that I can't BE another person and the best that I can do is just improve myself. And OH man it is HARD, but I'm slowly learning. Obviously no one is perfect, but I'd like to be damn near it.

Thank you for sitting patiently with my little rant, and gooday. Or night, whichever! :)

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