The other day, I was having a discussion with a great friend of mine and during our talk, she'd mention how I'd become weak; I used to be strong willed but now I have become weak and timid. At first I took a little offense towards her comment, but later on during the day I discovered she just may be right! I have become weak and timid and I think I now know why. You see lately, I have grown to be more feminine, although I am naturally feminine, I am a FIRM believer in self-improvement, so I thought maybe if I become less agressive and more soft and gentle, I'd be happier with myself, so I can become more womanly. One day, I stumbled on a little blog and the topic for that day was almost exactly similar to our discussion! So, I have come to conclusion that being feminine does not have to mean being weak. I believe in our society today, we are told being feminine is to be weak, (when this is rather the opposite) and independence is often assosciated with men or masculinity. The truth of the matter that independence isn't always exactly masculine; you can be a warm, sweet independent girl/woman while being independent, sadly, many woman don't seem to realize this. This brings me back to the frequent posts that I've come across on my tumblr (yes, I know, tumblr) and from feminists, I have seen many posts stating:
Well, probably because you sound like that.
You see this is the problem right here. It's because you keep screaming in peoples faces and if you stop being so BLUNT and rude about how strong and independent you are, no one would give you that label. You CAN be assertive without being in your face "honest" and keeping it real doesn't mean...ugh nevermind.
Anyhow, we have been told that being nice is being weak and since women *or womyn* has this need to prove themselves to men constantly, we get women like this; overly agressive, militant, and a whole million negative traits I can think of! Meanwhile, men can be assertive *most of the time* can be firm while being respectable. Most women DON'T, instead you all like to scream: I'M A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN WHO DON'T NEED NO HELP FROM A MAN AND I DON'T CARE HOW U FEELZ ABOUT IT. GIRL POWER.
Ladies, I can truly promise that being called such a derogative word, such as bitch, has nothing to do with the patriarchy or that women are told that we must be silent, it's because you are RUDE. LOOK: it's okay to admit that you need help, it's okay to be open, it's okay to be a little vulnerable sometimes. I believe this also roots from insecurity and from lack of self awareness. Women are naturally feminine, but we have been steered from it, we have been taught that our natural state is wrong, that it won't get you far in life, but that isn't really true. Women today are struggling with this because they want to be a true feminine woman, but society says no.
Trust me, dear, I understand because I was there, like you.
This is why I've created this blog, to help out young girls to be the true woman they were born to be.
I'll have more coming up on this very topic sometime on the future.
Have a very, lovely, blessed day little darklings, bye! \(=^.^=)/